Week 01: Hello There

  • Quick Weekly Status Update:
    • I would love to share my journey as I explore the challenges of grad school and living my life as normally as possible. Here, I plan to make weekly entries with brief details on assignments and group projects in relation to articles, research, and elements of design.
    • Background: My parents always preached "No one can ever take your education away from you." As a child, I never embraced the depth the words carried. Now, as I'm nearing the end of my 20's, I've experienced enough to know they were right. Statistics say that due to the pressure of family and the struggle of a healthy work-life balance, us ladies cap our salaries at about 35 years old. To me that means that statisticians think once my toddler is in junior high, I'm holding a job at the same level until I retire = not really learning a whole lot. So I decided to do something about it. And IUPUI agreed to let me work on my graduate certificate in HCI, a passion of mine since I learned of parallax coding in HTML/CSS a handful of years ago.
    • Looking forward to getting into a routine, with lots of coffee, and having smoother sailing as I navigate online education.